The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Provisional Certificate to a person who has established a manufacturing unit in West Bengal

(See rule 27)

No. ................................

This is to certify that the business under the name and style of ................ situated at ............... has established a manufacturing unit at ........................ for the manufacture of goods for sale ..............

Class or classes of goods manufactured or intended to be manufactured in the aforesaid manufacturing unit :



Sales of the following class or classes of goods to this business will be free of tax under sub-clause (xi) of clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7, if the same are purchased for use by him directly in the manufacture of the goods mentioned above for sale.



This certificate is valid from ....................... to .................... subject to the provisions laid down in rule 30 and rule 31.

  Signature ................................................
  Designation ............................................

This certificate is renewed and the validity is extended as specified in column (2) and (3).

Serial No. of renewal From (date) To (date) Initial of the authorised officer with date
(1) (2) (3) (4)