The West Bengal Sales Tax Rules, 1995
Chapter IX

76G. Certificate and other evidence for lower rate of tax on sale of foreign liquor to the Canteen Stores Department or to the Regimental or Unit run canteen in West Bengal.

Where a dealer makes sales of foreign liquor as specified in Schedule VIII to the Canteen Stores Department of the Government of India or the Regimental or Unit-run canteen attached to the military units in West Bengal and where he intends to claim the benefit of paying tax at concessional rate under clause (fc) of sub-section (2) of section 17, he shall, on demand by the appropriate assessing authority, furnish relevant cash memo or bill or invoice evidencing such sale and a certificate in the Form appended to this rule, duly filled in and signed by an officer not below the rank of Commanding Officer.


[See rule 76G of the West Bengal Sales Tax Rules, 1995]

Serial No. .......................... Date. .......................


..................................................... (Selling dealer)


......................................................(Certificate of Registration No.)

Certified that the goods purchased from you as specified in cash memo / bill / invoice stated below are for the purpose of resale by us to the members of the Defence Force of India.

Cash memo/bill/ invoice No.

and date

Description of goods Quantity Amount
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Dated ...............................

Signature and status of the Officer signing the certificate.