The Kerala General Sales Tax - Forms


(See Rule 32 (14B)



  K.G.S.T. No.
  C.S.T. No.

Name & address

Year ended 31st March


Books of account  
  (1) Maintained  
  (2) Examined  


Method of accounting employed (indicate whether any change from the method of accounting employed in the immediately preceding previous year)  


(1) Method of valuation of Opening and closing stock(s) State whether there is any change in the method of valuation, of any of the items as compared to the method employed in the immediately preceding previous year.  


Quantitative particulars of principal items of goods, raw materials, finished products etc. dealt with  
  (1) In the case of Manufacturing concerns  
Raw Materials  
  (a) Opening Stock  
  (b) Purchases during the year  
  (c) Consumption during the year  
  (d) Sales during the year  
  (e) Closing stock  
  (f) Yield of finished products  
  (g) Percentage of yield  
  (h) Shortage  
Finished Products  
  (a) Opening Stock  
  (b) Purchases during the year  
  (c) Quantity manufactured during the year  
  (d) Sales during the year  
  (e) Closing stock at the end of the year  
  (f) Shortage and percentage there of  
  Notes: 1. Information in regard to these sub-items may be given to the extent available  
  2. Separate quantitative details on the above lines should be given in respect of by products, if any.  
  (ii) In the case of Traders/Dealers in goods/Finished Goods.  


(i) trading account/Manufacturing Account in respect of each class of goods taxable at different rates.  
  (ii) Trading account/Manufacturing Account :  
  In respect of each class of declared goods taxable at different rates  
  (iii) Trading Account/Manufacturing Account in respect of each class of goods for which exemption from tax is claimed.  
  (iv) Trading Account Manufacturing Account of Interstate sales.  
  (v) Consignment Sales Account.  
  (vi) Commission Sales Account  
  (vii) Annual turnover of goods taxable at the purchase point at different rates.  
  (ix) Annual turnover of goods taxable on the purchase under section 5-A  
  (x) The total amount of sales tax collected during the year.  
  (xi) The total amount of sales tax and surcharge due for the year.  
  (xii) The total amount of sales and surcharge paid during the year.  
  (Monthly collections and payment particulars may be given).  
  (xiii) The total amount of CST collected during the year  
  (xiv) The total amount of CST paid during the year  
  (xv) Whether there is any illegal collection, if so whether the same has been remitted to Government  


(a) Whether the purchases are supported by bills, invoice, etc. If not give details  
  (b) Whether the sales are supported by bills invoice etc.  


Whether the auditor has come across any violation of the KGST Act or Rules made thereunder during the course of audit.  


Whether the auditor has come across any violation of the CST Act read with the Rules during the course of his audit.  


Note.:- The above statement shall be prepared based on the records maintained by the dealer and the accountant shall verify evidence for the trueness and correctness of the facts stated above. In case any record or evidence is not found the accountant shall state that in the certificate.