The Kerala General Sales Tax - Forms



See Rules 32 (17) and 35 (13)

(To be maintained in triplicate marked original, duplicate, triplicate and serially machine numbered.)

Serial No.
Office of issue

Seal of issuing authority

Name of the dealer to whom issued with his registration certificate number

I. (a) Name and address of the person consigning the goods   :
  (b) Consignor's Registration Certificate Number under the Kerala General Sales Tax Act, 1963. :
  (c) Date of issue of the delivery note by the consignor   :
    (1) In figures   :
    (2) In words   :
  (d) Time of commencement of the journey   :
II. Full address of the place   :
  (1) From with they are consigned   :
  (2) To which they are consigned   :
III. Name and full address of the consignee with registration Number, if any   :
IV. Description of the goods   :
  (1) Name of goods consigned   :
  (2) Quantity or weight   :
    (i) In figures   :
    (ii) In words   :
    (iii) Value of goods   :
      (i) In figure Rs. .....................
      (ii) In words .Rs......................

V. (1) Name and address of the owner of the vehicle or vessel by which the goods are consigned.

(2) Registration number of the vehicle or vessel

VI. (a) If the consignor is transporting goods in pursuance of a Sale for the purpose of delivery to the buyer., Bill number, and date relating to the sale, the name and address of the buyer and his Registration Certificate number under the respective State Acts if he is a dealer

(b) If the consignor is transporting the goods after purchasing them, the name and address of the person (s), from whom the goods were purchased, his Registration Certificate Number and the Bill number and date relating to the purchase, or and if the seller has not issued bills or cash memorandum, the number and date of the purchase bill or bought Note issued by the purchasing dealer.

(c) If the consignor is transporting the goods from his shops or godowns to another for the purpose of storage or sale, the address of the agent or the shop or godown to which the transport is made.

(d) If the consignor is transporting the goods to his principal, name and address of the principal, his registration number in the respective State.

(e) If the consignor is transporting the goods to his agents for sale on consignment basis, the name and full address of the agent to whom the goods are sent and his registration certificate, number in the respective State.

(f) If the goods were purchased from persons other than registered dealers such as agriculturist, a declaration from such person that the goods are his produce and that he is not liable to pay tax by virtue of his being an agriculturist should be enclosed.

VII. I/We certify that to the best of my/our knowledge the particulars furnished are true and correct.

Name and address and signature of the person to whom the goods were delivered for transporting with Status of the person signing Name and dated signature of the consignor / his manager.

Note :- (1) Original to be furnished to the assessing authority concerned. Duplicate to be retained by the purchasing dealer or the person to whom goods were delivered for transporting, triplicate to be retained by the consigning dealer.

(2) The entries in the duplicate and triplicate shall be carbon copies of the entries in the original. In the case of elivery notes issued in respect of goods intended to be transferred to a place outside the Stte of Kerala, entries should be made in English, In any other case of transport such entries my be made either in english, or in the lnguage of the State nmely Malayalam, Tami or Kannada, as the case may be.

(3) Any corrections or alterations made in the form should be duly attested by the person signing the form.