The Kerala General Sales Tax Rules, 1963
Chapter IV : Incidence and Levy of Tax, Assessment, Collection and Penalty

18B. Co-operative Society entitled to assessment under Section 17 (4A)

(1) A Co-operative society entitled to assessment under sub-section (4A) of section 17 shall, in addition to the statements referred to in rule 18A file the two audit reports issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies for the co-operative years relevant to the assessment for the year 1980-81 and for every subsequent year.

(2) If the assessing authority, after scrutiny of the statements, the return and audit reports is satisfied that the particulars furnished are correct and complete, finally assess on the basis of the return, the tax or taxes payable under Section 5 or notified under Section 10 for the year to which the return relates.

(3) If, on scrutiny of the statements, the return and audit reports, it appears to the assessing authority that the particulars of turnover furnished in the return submitted is incorrect as to the rates of tax, the assessing authority shall, after verifying such accounts of the co-operative society as are necessary, finally assess the tax or taxes payable under Section 5 or notified under section 10, refixing the turnover on the basis of such accounts after giving a reasonable opportunity to the society to prove the correctness of the return.

(4) Where the assessing authority is satisfied that the method of assessment specified in Sub-section (4A) of Section 17 is not applicable to any society being a society falling under the second or third proviso thereto there assessing authority shall, after affording an opportunity to the society of being heard, pass an order to that effect and serve it on the society and shall proceed to assess it under Sub-rule (5) of Rule 18.