The Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2003. Notifications

Body NOTIFICATION eCF No.526551/3, Dated 5th August, 2024

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 17 of the Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Assam Act No. VIII of 2005), hereinafter referred to as the principal Act, the Governor of Assam, is hereby pleased to make the following amendment by way of modification of the serial number 6 with entries thereto in the Fourth Schedule to the principal Act, in the manner hereinafter appearing, namely:

In the principal Act, in the Fourth Schedule, for the. existing serial number 6 with entries thereto shall be substituted as follows, namely:

6 (i) Natural Gas when used as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 5
(ii) Natural Gas when used for other than in (i) above, purposes 14.5

This notification shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Assam,

Finance Department.