The Kerala General Sales Tax Rules, 1963

Body 22A. Mode of submission of returns :-

(1) Where any return or statement is required to be filed under these rules, any person filing such return or statement may render or make available the same in the required form which may be written, typewritten, printed or in electronic form. Where such return or statement is rendered or made available in an electronic form it shall be accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference and shall be authenticated by the secure digital signature of the person signing the return or statement, as the case may be, and the public key is made available to the authority before whom the document is filed. Every dealer, other than a dealer to whom an electronic identity card is issued, who desires to file return through electronic means shall pay an annual fee of two hundred rupees which shall be paid to the assessing authority in the same manner as a registration fee payable under the Act is paid.

(2) Any return under these rules may be submitted either in person, or by registered post with acknowledgement due, or by courier service, or through electronic means.

(3) If the return is submitted in person, the officer receiving the return shall acknowledge the receipt of the same by affixing his dated signature with seal on the duplicate copy of such return. If the return is submitted through electronic means the officer receiving the return shall send an acknowledgement in Form No. 10J. If the return is submitted by any other means the acknowledgement shall be in Form No 10 K.

(4) If the return is submitted in electronic form, the officer receiving such return shall not acknowledge the receipt of the same unless he is satisfied that it contains all the required information and the same is not a read only copy and the details contained in it are transferable to another computer and is duly signed by the dealer.

(5) Any acknowledgement under sub-rule (3) or sub-rule (4) in relation to a return period shall be issued not later than the due date for the filing of the return for the subsequent return period.