
Body NOTIFICATION F.12 (1) FD/Tax/2024-73, dated 07th March, 2024

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 158 A of the Rajasthan Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act no. 9 of 2017), the State Government, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby notifies "Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit" as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the Rajasthan Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act no. 9 of 2017).

Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification, "Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit" means an enterprise-grade open architecture information technology platform, conceptualised by the Reserve Bank of India as part of its "Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies" dated the 10th August, 2023 and developed by its wholly owned subsidiary, Reserve Bank Innovation Hub, for the operations of a large ecosystem of credit, to ensure access of information from various data sources digitally and where the financial service providers and multiple data service providers converge on the platform using standard and protocol driven architecture, open and shared Application Programming Interface (API) framework.

By Order of the Governor,

(Jaswant Singh)

Joint Secretary to the Government