
Body 18. Registration.-

(1) No dealer shall, while being liable to pay tax under section 3 or under sub-section (6) of section 19, be engaged in business of dealing in goods as a dealer, unless he possesses a valid certificate of registration as provided by this Act:

Provided that, the provisions of this sub-section shall not be deemed to have been contravened, if the dealer having applied for such registration as in this section provided, within the prescribed time or, as the case may be, within the period specified in sub-section (6) of section 19, while he is engaged in such business.

(2) Every dealer, required by sub-section (1) to possess a certificate of registration, shall apply in the prescribed manner, to the Commissioner.

(3) A person or a dealer who intends to be of dealing in goods, but is not liable to pay tax under the provisions of this Act may, if he so desires, apply in the prescribed manner under this sub-section for the grant of certificate of registration to the Commissioner and if the certificate is granted, then so long as it is not duly cancelled, the person or dealer shall remain liable to pay tax.

Provided that if the person or dealer to whom such certificate of registration is granted becomes liable to pay tax under any other provisions of the Act, then the certificate of registration so granted shall cease to be valid unless amended after payment of prescribed fee.

(4) Certificate of registration shall not be granted to a dealer unless,-

    (a) he has declared his Permanent Account Number, mobile number, email address in the application for registration and validated the same in the manner as may be prescribed; and

    (b) he has deposited in the Government treasury prescribed fee in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time.

(5) The Commissioner may conduct such inquiry as he deems fit and may call for such evidence and information as he may deem necessary and after the inquiry, if any, and after considering the evidence and information, if any, he is satisfied that the application for registration made under this section is in order, he shall register the applicant and issue to him a certificate of registration in the prescribed form:

Provided that if the Commissioner is satisfied that the particulars contained in the application are not correct or complete or that any evidence or information prescribed for registering the applicant is not furnished, the Commissioner may, after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard, reject the application for reasons to be recorded in writing.

(6) The Commissioner may, after considering any information furnished under any provisions of this Act or otherwise received, amend from time to time, any certificate of registration.

(7) If a person or a dealer upon an application made by him has been registered under this section and thereafter it is found that he ought not to have been so registered under the provisions of this section, he shall be liable to pay tax during the period from the date on which his registration certificate took effect until it is cancelled, notwithstanding that he may not be liable to pay tax under this Act.

(8) Where,-

    (a) any business, in respect of which a certificate of registration has been issued under this section, has been discontinued, or has been transferred or otherwise disposed of; or

    (b) the turnover of sales of a registered dealer has during any year not exceeded the relevant limit specified in sub-section (4) of section 3,-

then, in the case covered by clause (a), the dealer shall apply in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time for cancellation of his registration to the Commissioner, and in the case covered by clause (b), the dealer may apply in the prescribed manner for cancellation of his registration to the Commissioner ; and thereupon the Commissioner may, after such inquiry as he deems fit and subject to rules framed, cancel the registration with effect from such date including any date earlier to the date of the order of cancellation as he considers fit having regard to the circumstances of the case.

(9) Any person intending to organize or conduct exhibition or any event or programme either for sale of goods or for promoting goods for sale, by providing stalls or space to other persons or dealers under the banner of specific name or otherwise or under a common roof or otherwise, shall obtain a registration under this Act and shall apply in the prescribed manner, to the Commissioner requesting permission, indicating therein the details of the persons and/or dealers participating in, and the period of such exhibition alongwith payment of estimated tax in advance. The Commissioner may issue such permission in such form and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. The dealer to whom the permission is issued shall exhibit the same at a conspicuous place where the exhibition or event or programme is conducted. The provisions of sub-sections (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14) and (15) of this section shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to this sub-section."

(10) Any registration granted under the provisions of this Act shall remain valid until it is cancelled:

Provided that, before passing the order of cancellation, the dealer shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

(10A) Notwithstanding anything contained in any Order, judgement or decision of any Authority, Administrative Tribunal or Court, any dealer who has failed to renew the registration after the expiry of validity of registration from the 1st day of April, 2017, shall be deemed to have valid registration for all the purposes under this Act:

Provided that no refund or adjustment of any sum of amount already paid towards renewal fee, tax, penalty or late fee due to non-renewal of registration shall be made.

(11) If a dealer,-

    (a) fails to file three consecutive returns under this Act;

    (b) fails to pay the dues demanded in assessment/reassessment or otherwise within the period specified except where such demand has been stayed by the appellate authority or tribunal or any other court;

    (c) fails to pay the tax due from him for three consecutive tax periods under the provisions of this Act;

    (d) having issued tax invoice or retail invoices, fails to account for the said invoices in his books of account;

    (e) holds or accepts or furnishes or causes to be furnished a declaration, which he knows or has reason to believe to be false;

    (f) has been convicted of an offence under this Act, or under the earlier law;

    (g) discontinues his business without complying with the provisions contained in sub-section (8) of section 18 of the Act;

    (h) without entering into a transaction of sale, issues to another dealer tax invoice, retail invoice, bill or cash memorandum, with intention to defraud the Government of revenue;

    (i) is found evading tax on account of variation in physical stock compared with his regular books of accounts;

then the Commissioner may, at any time after giving the dealer an opportunity of being heard and for the reasons to be recorded in writing,by order cancel his certificate of registration from such date as may be specified by him in such order and the dealer shall not be entitled to any benefits available to a registered dealer under this Act from date specified in such order.

(12) (a) If a dealer,-

    (i) fails to inform changes in business as required by sub-section (1) of section 22;

    (ii) fails to file declaration and/or furnish the documents as required by section 23;

    (iii) fails to furnish return as required by section 24;

    (iv) fails to pay tax as required by section 25;

    (v) fails to produce the books of accounts as required by the Commissioner under sub-section (1) of section 73;

then the Commissioner may, at any time, after giving the dealer an opportunity of being heard and for the reasons to be recorded in writing, by order suspend his certificate of registration from date not earlier than the date of such order, as may be specified by him in such order.

(b) Where a dealer, whose certificate of registration is suspended for the failure of any of the requirements specified in clause (a), fulfils the requirements, the Commissioner shall, by an order in writing, withdraw the suspension order from such date as may be specified therein.

(c) The dealer whose certificate of registration is suspended under clause (a) shall not be entitled to claim input tax credit during the period of suspension of registration.

(13) Every person whose registration is cancelled under sub-section (11) shall pay in respect of every taxable goods held as stock on the date of cancellation an amount equal to the tax that would be payable in respect of the goods if the goods were sold at fair market price on that date or the total tax credit previously claimed in respect of such goods, whichever is higher.

(14) If an order of suspension or cancellation passed under this section is set aside in an appeal or other proceedings under this Act, the certificate of registration of the dealer shall stand restored with effect from the date of such suspension or cancellation, as the case may be.

(15) Suspension or cancellation of a certificate of registration shall not affect the liability of any dealer to pay tax, penalty or interest due for any period till the date of such suspension or cancellation and which has remained unpaid or is assessed thereafter.

(16) The Commissioner shall notify in Official Gazette the details of dealers whose certificate of registration has been suspended or cancelled under the provisions of this Act.