Central Excise Rules

6. Manner of payment.-

(1) Cess on the specified goods removed from the mine during a month shall be paid by the 5th of the second month, following the month in which the removals were made:

Illustration.- Cess payable on specified goods removed from the factory for the month of July, 2010 shall be paid by the 5th of September, 2010.

(2) A producer who has opted for centralized registration in respect of its mines located at different places under rule 3, shall discharge the cess liability in respect of the aggregate removal of specified goods from all such mines effected during a month by the stipulated period specified in sub-rule (1)

(3) Where a producer has paid to the credit of the Central Government any amount in excess of the amount required to be paid towards cess liability for a month, such producer may adjust such excess amount paid by him against the cess liability for the next month:

Provided that the adjustment of excess amount paid under sub-rule (2) shall be subject to the condition that such excess amount paid is on account of reasons not involving interpretation of law, taxability, or applicability of any exemption notification;

Provided further that the producer may, instead, file a refund claim for any excess amount of cess paid if such producer fails to adjust the excess amount against the cess liability for the next month.

(4) Where any producer fails to pay the cess by the due date, he shall be liable to pay the outstanding amount along with interest at the rate specified by the Central Government under section 11AA of the Central Excise, 1944 (1 of 1944) on the outstanding amount for the period starting from the first day after the due date till the date of the actual payment of the outstanding amount.

(5) Where any producer defaults in payment beyond thirty days from the due date as specified in rule 6, such specified goods shall be deemed to have been cleared without payment of cess and the consequences and penalties under these rules and provisions of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944) as have been made applicable, shall follow in addition to payment of interest under sub-rule (4).

(6) The provisions of section 11 of the Central Excise Act , 1944 (1 of 1944) shall be applicable for recovery of the cess as assessed under rule 5 and the interest under sub-rule (4) in the same manner as they are applicable for recovery of any sums payable to the Central Government.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule,-

    (i) Cess liability shall be deemed to be discharged only if the amount payable is credited to the account of the Central Government by the specified date;

    (ii) Where the registered person deposits cess by cheque, the date of presentation of the cheque in the bank designated by the Board for this purpose shall be deemed to be the date on which the cess has been paid subject to realization of the cheque.