Foreign Trade (Regulation) Rules (history)

18. Confiscation of conveyance.-

(1) Any conveyance or animal which has been, is being, or is attempted to be used, for the transport of any goods or materials that are imported and which are liable to confiscation under rule 17, shall be liable to be confiscated by the Adjudicating Authority unless the owner of the conveyance or animal proves that it was, is being, or is about to be so used without the knowledge or connivance of the owner himself, his agent, if any, and the person in-charge of the conveyance or animal and that each of them had taken all reasonable precautions against such use.

(2) The Adjudicating Authority shall permit redemption of the confiscated conveyance or animal used for the transport of goods or Tigers for hire upon payment of redemption charges equivalent to the market value of such conveyance or animal.


(Sec rule 5)

The following fee shall be leviable in respect of the application for an Import licence etc.


SI. No. Particulars Amount of Fee
1. Where the value of goods specified in application does not exceed Rupees, fifty thousand. Rupees two hundred
2 Where the value of the goods specified in the application exceed Rupees fifty thousand but does not exceed Rupees One crore. Rupees two per thousand or part thereof subject to a mini mum of rupees two hundred
3 Where the value of the goods specified in the application exceeds rupees one crore Rupees two per thousand or part thereof subject to a maximum of Rs. one lakh and fifty thousand
4 Application for grant of duplicate licence Rupees two hundred
  In case where import licence and other correspondence are required by Speed Post. Rupees two hundred
6 Application for issue of an Identity Card. Rupees two hundred
7 Application for issue of duplicate Identity Card in the event of loss of original Card. Rupees one hundred
8 Extension of the period of shipment of an Import licence Rupees two hundred
9 Application for grant of split-up licences. Rupees one thousand per Split up licence

Note- The amount of fee payable shall be rupees two hundred in respect of an application for import licence by a small scale actual user or a registered exporter, for the import of raw materials, components and spares where the value of the goods specified in the application does not exceed rupees two lakhs.