
Body NOTIFICATION No. VAT/AMD. 2015/1A/15/ADM-8., dated 6th October 2020.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 55 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 (Mah. IX of 2005), in superstation of the Notification No. VAT/AMD. 2015/1A/15/ADM-8, dated the 9th May 2016 and all other Notifications issued in this behalf, the Commissioner of State Tax, Maharashtra State, hereby constitute the "Advance Ruling Authority", comprising the following members :-

Sr. No. (1) Name of the Member





Shri Govind Vasantrao Bilolikar (CST-APP-F-002) Joint Commissioner of State Tax Apeal-2


Shri Prasad Gajanan Joshi (MUM-VAT-F-804) Joint Commissioner of State Tax Nodal-4


Shri Satish Shivajirao Lohar (MUM-VAT-F-902) Joint Commissioner of State Tax Nodal-6
The Authority shall come into existence with immediate effect and shall function as per the provisions of section 55 of the Maharashtra Value Added TAx Act, 2002 and rule 63 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005.

This Authority shall continue to fuction till further orders.


Commissioner of State Tax,

Maharashtra State, Mumbai.