Customs Rules
Re-Export of Imported Goods (Drawback of Customs Duties) Rules, 1995


Form for claim of drawback under Section 74 of Customs Act, 1962 on goods exported by post

[Refer Rule 3 of Re-export of Imported Goods (Drawback of Customs Duties)

Rules, 1995]





Particulars of goods to be exported by parcel post under claim for drawback under Section 74


We M/s ................................................... propose to export the undermentioned

consignment and claim drawback of duties paid at die time of import of these goods under section 74 of Customs Act, 1962.

1. Name and Address of the Consignee :  
2. Description of goods :  
3. Quantity :  
4. (a) FOB Value of goods    
  (b) Market Value of goods :  
5. Date of import :  
6. Particulars of Bill of Entry (enclose copy)    
7. Amount of duty paid on import (enclose copy) :  
8. Amount of Drawback claimed    
  (enclose calculation sheet):    

Certified that the goods were not taken into use after their importation/The goods were used for the period ........................ to ......................

  Signature and Seal of the Exporter
Date :  

Report of the proper officer of Customs