Customs Rules
Customs and Central Excise Duties and Service Tax Drawback Rules,1995

12. Statement/Declaration to be made on exports other than by Post. -

(1) In the case of exports other than by post, the exporters shall at the time of export of the goods -

    (a) state on the shipping bill or bill of export, the description, quantity and such other particulars as are necessary for deciding whether the goods are entitled to drawback, and if so, at what rate or rates and make a declaration on the relevant shipping bill or bill of export that -

      (i) a claim for drawback under these rules is being made;

      (ii) in respect of duties of Customs and Central Excise paid on the containers, packing materials and materials and the service tax paid on the input services used in the manufacture of the export goods on which drawback is being claimed, no separate claim for rebate of duty or service tax under the Central Excise Rules, 2002 or any other law has been or will be made to the Central Excise authorities :

    Provided that if the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be of Customs is satisfied that the exporter or his authorised agent has, for reasons beyond his control, failed to comply with the provisions of this clause, he may, after considering the representation, if any, made by such exporter or his authorised agent, and for reasons to be recorded, exempt such exporter or his authorised agent from the provisions of this clause;

    (b) furnish to the proper officer of Customs, a copy of shipment invoice or any other document giving particulars of the description, quantity and value of the goods to be exported.

(2) Where the amount or rate of drawback has been determined under rule 6 or rule 7, the exporter shall make an additional declaration on the relevant shipping bill or bill of export that -

    (a) there is no change in the manufacturing formula and in the quantum per unit of the imported materials or components, if any, utilised in the manufacture of export goods; and

    (b) the materials or components, which have been stated in the application under rule 6 or rule 7 to have been imported, continue to be so imported and are not being obtained from indigenous sources.