Customs Rules
Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Enforcement Rules, 2007

3. Notice by the right holder. -

(1) A right holder may give notice in writing to the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be of Customs or any Customs officer authorised in this behalf by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be , at the port of import of goods infringing intellectual property rights in accordance with the procedures and under the conditions as set out in these Rules, requesting for suspension of clearance of goods suspected to be infringing intellectual property right.

(2) The notice in respect of goods infringing intellectual property rights shall be given in the format prescribed in the Annexure to these Rules.

(3) Every such notice shall be accompanied by a document as specified by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be, evidencing payment of application fee of Rs. 2000 (two thousand rupees only).

(4) If any of the information as required in the format under sub-rule (2) is not provided, the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs may, as the case may be, ask the right holder or his authorised representative to provide the same within 15 days, which may be extended on sufficient reasons being shown.

(5) The right holder shall inform customs authority when his intellectual property ceases to be valid or if he ceases to be the owner of such intellectual property right