Customs Rules
Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Enforcement Rules, 2007

7. Suspension of clearance of imported goods.-

(1)(a) Where the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, based on the notice given by the right holder has a reason to believe that the imported goods are suspected to be goods infringing intellectual property rights, he shall suspend the clearance of the goods.

(b)The Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs , as the case may be, may, on his own initiative, suspend the clearance of goods , in respect of which he has prima-facie evidence or reasonable grounds to believe that the imported goods are goods infringing intellectual property rights.

(2) The Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs , as the case may be, shall immediately inform the importer and the right holder or their respective authorised representatives through a letter issued by speed post or through electronic mode of the suspension of clearance of the goods and shall state the reasons for such suspension.

(3) Where clearance of the goods suspected to be infringing intellectual property has been suspended and the right holder or his authorised representative does not join the proceedings within a period of ten working days from the date of suspension of clearance leading to a decision on the merits of the case, the goods shall be released provided that all other conditions of import of such goods under the Customs Act, 1962, have been complied with:

Provided that the above time-limit of ten working days may be extended by another ten days in appropriate cases by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be or an officer authorized by him in this behalf.

(4) Where the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs , as the case may be, has suspended clearance of goods on his own initiative and right holder does not give notice under rule 3 of the Rules or does not fulfill the obligation under Rule 5, within five days from the date of suspension of clearance, the goods shall be released provided that all other conditions of import of such goods under the Customs Act, 1962, have been complied with.

(5) Where the clearance of goods has been suspended, customs may, where it acts on its own initiative, seek from the right holder any information or assistance, including technical expertise and facilities for the purpose of determining whether the suspect goods are counterfeit or pirated or otherwise infringe an intellectual property right.

(6) Where the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, has suspended clearance of goods on his own initiative and right holder has given notice under rule 3 of the Rules and fulfilled the obligations under Rule 5, but , the right holder or his authorised representative does not join the proceedings within a period of ten working days from the date of suspension of clearance leading to a decision on the merits of the case, the goods shall be released provided that all other conditions of their import under the Customs Act, 1962, have been complied with:

Provided that the above time- limit of ten working days may be extended by another ten working days in appropriate cases by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be or an officer authorized by him in this behalf.

(7) In the case of perishable goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights, the period of suspension of release shall be three working days which may be extended by another four days subject to the satisfaction of the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, as the case may be or the officer authorized by him in this behalf that such extension shall not affect the goods.

(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, in the case of suspension of clearance of perishable goods on the basis of notice of the right holder or his authorized representative, the right holder or his authorized representative shall join the proceedings as required under these Rules within three working days or the extended period as provided in sub-rule (7) and in case of suspension of clearance of perishable good by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, on his own initiative, the right holder shall give notice, execute a bond and join the proceedings as required under these Rules within three working days or the extended period as provided in sub-rule (7) , as the case may be, failing which the goods shall be released.

(9) If within ten working days or the extended period under sub-rule (6), as the case may be, and within three working days or the extended period as provided in sub-rule (7) of this rule in the case of perishable goods, the right-holder or his authorized representative joins the proceedings, the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs , as the case may be, having reasons to believe that the goods are goods infringing intellectual property rights and liable to confiscation under section 111 (d) of the Customs Act, may seize the same under section 110 of the Customs Act.