The Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax - Notifications

Body Notification No. SRO 169 Dated 10th April, 2017

In exercise of powers conferred by section 26 of the Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax Act, 1962, the Government hereby make the following amendment in the Jammu and Kashmir General Sales Tax Rules, 1962; namely:-

1. Rule 72 shall be omitted.

This Notification shall come into force with immediate effect.

By Order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.


(Navin K. Choudhary), IAS

Commissioner/Secretary to Government

Finance Department.


Rule 72 read as under:

72. Clearance certificate for contractors and suppliers

A contractor or supplier requiring certificate under section 16-D shall make an application to the Assessing Authority and such authority, after consulting the assessment records and making such inquiry as he may consider necessary shall issue a certificate in Form ST-64 This certificate shall remain valid for one financial year.