The Jharkhand Value Added Tax Act, 2005

Body 2. Definitions -

In this Act unless the context otherwise requires:

(xxv) "Gross Turnover" means-

    (i) for the purposes of levy of sales tax, in respect of sale of goods, aggregate of sale prices received and receivable by a dealer, including the gross amount received or receivable for execution of works contract or for the transfer of right to use any goods for any purposes ( whether or not for a specified period) during any given period ( and also including the sale of goods made outside the State, in the course of inter-State trade or commerce or export), but does not include sale prices of goods which have borne the incidence of purchase tax under Section 10.

    (ii) for the purposes of levy of purchase tax, aggregate of purchase prices paid or payable by a dealer during any given period in respect of purchase of goods or class or description of goods which have borne the incidence of purchase tax under Section 10.

    (iii) for the purposes of Section 9, the aggregate of the amounts under sub-clauses (i) and (ii);