THE HARYANA GOODS AND SERVICES TAX ACT, 2017 Circulars & Advance Ruling

Body Memo No. 1557/ST-2, Dated 21st July, 2017

Subject: Extension of time limit for filing intimation for composition levy under sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of the HGST Rules, 2017

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 168 of the Haryana Goods and Services fax Act, 2017, I, Shyamal Misra, the Commissioner of the State tax. Haryana, hereby extend the period for filing an intimation in FORM GST CM P-01 under sub-rule (1) of rule (3) of the Haryana Goods and Services Tax Rules. 2017 upto 16th August. 2017.


Excise & Taxation Commissioner-cum-ETC,

Haryana, Panchkula