The Jharkhand Value Added Tax Forms , 2005




[See Rule 22(1) (b)]

( Form of Declaration under the Jharkhand Value Added Tax Rules 2006 ,For awards of works contract to the sub-contractor, by the main contractor ) The registered sub-contractor engaged in executing the works contract shall issue to his registered main contractor

To be prepared in three copies – the first copy shall be forwarded to the registered main-contractor; the second copy shall be forwarded to the circle, where the sub- contractor is registered and third copy shall be retained by the registered sub-contractor .

1 Name & Address of The registered sub-contractor ……………………………………
2 Name of the Circle, where he is registered ……………………………………
3 TIN of the registered sub-contractor
4 Name & Address of The registered main contractor ……………………………………
5 Name of the Circle, where he is registered ……………………………………
6 TIN of the registered main contractor
7 Total value of works contract as awarded to the sub-contractor by the main-contractor. ……………………………………
8 Name of the contractee for whom or whose benefit the works contract is executing  
9 The agreement number/date: of the contract agreement between the contractee and the main registered contractor  
10 The agreement number/date: of the contract agreement between the main contractor and the registered sub- contractor  


I ………………………………………………… Status ……………………………………… of the above sub-contractor hereby declare that the content of this declaration are true and correct. I further declare that I shall file the true , correct and complete returns and pay the output tax in accidence with the provision of the Act and the Rules.

      Signature & Stamp of the registered sub-contractor
Date of declaration  
Date Month Year