Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


FORM 703 E

[See rule 63(7)]

Notice to a person when it is proposed to pass an Order, which affects him adversely under

clause (a) of sub-section 14 of Section 55 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002





Reference No.  
TIN under M.V. A.T. Act, 2002  
TIN Under C.S.T. Act, 1956  

Whereas it is proposed to pass an Order to the effect mentioned below, you are hereby informed that if you wish to prefer any objection against such an Order you should attend at the office of undersigned at_____________________________________________________________ (Place) at____________ (Time) ___________on__________________(Date)

Gist of the order proposed to be passed


Place : Signature :-
Date :- Designation :