Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS



[See Rule 40(1)]

Certificate for transfer of credit to be given to the sub-contractor under sub-section(4) of section 31 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

Certificate No:- ———————— Dated :- ————————

1 TIN of Principal Contractor  
2 Name and full address of the Principal Contractor  
3 TIN of the sub-contractor  
4 Name and full address of the sub-contractor  
5 Particulars about credit transferred  
  (1) Contract number  
  (2) Date and Sr.number of invoice issued to sub-contractor  
  (3) Amount of tax deducted by employer  
  (4) Date of payment  
  (5) Date of form 402 issued by employer  
  (6) Amount of credit transferred to sub-contractor  

Certified that, the credit of tax deducted at source by the employer has been transferred to sub-contractor and I/we have not taken the credit of tax so deducted by the employer. That the particulars furnished in the statement above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Place __________ Signature of the principal contractor __________
Dated __________ Status____________";