
Body Notification No. S.O.270 F. 12(11)FD/Tax/2016-201 Dated 8th March, 2016

In pursuance of clause (i) and (iii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 53 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Rules, 2006 read with sub-section (1) of section 79 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Act No. 4 of 2003), the State Government being of the opinion that it is expedient in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following amendments in this Department's notification number F.12(84)FD/Tax/2009-21 dated 08.07.2009, as amended from time to time, with immediate effect, namely


In list appended to the said notification,-

(i) the existing serial number 13 and entries thereto shall be substituted by the following namely:-

13 Non-ferrous metals, alloys and wires thereof

(ii) the existing serial number 20 and entries thereto shall be substituted by the following namely:-

20 Tobacco, Tobacco products, Cigarette, Pan Masala and Churi.

(iii) the existing serial number 30 and entries thereto shall be substituted by the following namely:-

30 All kinds of plastics and plastic goods except PVC granules when imported by manufacturer of the State for being used as raw material for production of plastic goods.

(iv) the existing serial number 36 and entries thereto shall be deleted; and

(v) after the existing serial number 38 and entries thereto, the following new serial numbers and entries thereto shall be added, namely:-

39 Cotton seed
40 Readymade garments including semi-stitched garments

By order of the Governor,

(Dr. Devraj)

Joint Secretary to Government