
Body Notification S.O. 205 Dated 3rd September, 2015

In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (2) of Section 14 read with clause (c) of subsection (1) of section 14 of the Bihar Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Act No. 27 of 2005) the Governor of Bihar is pleased to make the following amendments in the table appended to Departmental Notification No. S.O. 24, dated 24th March, 2005 (as amended from time to time), namely :-


1. The present entries in column (2) of serial number 2 of the Table appended to the Departmental Notification number S.O. 24, dated 24th March, 2005 (as amended from time to time), shall be substituted, by the following -

"Potable spirit, wine or liquor whether imported from other countries or manufactured in India"

2. Serial number 8 and its corresponding entries of the Table appended to the Departmental Notification number S.O. 24, dated 24th March, 2005 (as amended from time to time) is hereby deleted.

3. This notification shall come into force with effect from the date of its issue.

By order of the Governor of Bihar,

Sujata Chaturvedi,

Commissioner-cum-Principal Secretary

Commercial Taxes Department