

45. Lumpsum by way of composition.-

(1) A registered dealer (other than the dealer who imports the goods from outside the State and the dealer dealing in medicines) shall have the option to pay presumptive lumpsum tax by way of composition under section 7 or sub-section (2) of section 16, and shall pay such tax in the manner as prescribed in this chapter.

(2) Such payment (hereinafter called "the lumpsum") shall be deemed to be tax for the purpose of application of provisions relating to assessment, use of declaration forms, maintenance of record relating to such forms, levy of interest, imposition of penalties for contraventions and offences against provisions of the Act, and recovery of outstanding dues.

(3) The application, in the prescribed form, offering to pay the lumpsum shall be made to the Appropriate Assessing Authority and signed by a person eligible to make an application for registration under the Act. The Appropriate Assessing Authority shall scrutinise the application filed by the dealer and the option shall become operative w.e.f. 1st day of the month following the day on which such option is filed if it is correct and complete. On receipt of the application, such authority shall ascertain that it is complete and its contents are correct, and thereafter allow the applicant to make payment of the lumpsum.

(4) The dealer exercising such option under sub-rule (2) shall be deemed to have been allowed to make payment of the lumpsum w.e.f. the beginning of the month following the date of application. In case, the appropriate Assessing Authority finds the option incomplete it shall allow the dealer to complete the same by affording an opportunity of being heard.

(5) A dealer paying lumpsum shall pay the lumpsum in equal quarterly instalments payable within thirty days of the expiry of each quarter and shall, in proof of the payment so made, furnish to the appropriate Assessing Authority, a treasury receipt.

(6) The dealer opting to pay the lumpsum shall not issue a tax invoice under section 30 and the input tax credit in respect of goods purchased from such dealer shall be nil, and such dealer shall also not be entitled to claim any input tax credit on the purchase of goods made by him.

(7) The dealer opting to pay lumpsum shall be entitled to charge tax as may be prescribed.

(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, the State Government may at any time withdraw the facility of making payment of the lumpsum from any or all class(s) of dealers.