
Body 4A. Determination of sale price in respect of Works Contract.-

In case of transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) involved in the execution of works contract, the sale price of such goods shall be determined by making deductions to the extent as specified in column (3) of the Table below for the Works contract as specified in corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table.


Sr.No. Classification of works contract Deduction in Percentage to be allowed for determining the sale price
(1) (2) (3)
1 In respect of road work, including asphalting of road, construction of culverts, site gutters but excluding bridges. 30% of the gross receipts.
2 In respect of electrical works including building wiring & fittings, installation of sub- stations, transmission and distribution lines, control rooms, power grid stations, installation of high mast electric polls, illumination of bridges, illumination of urban and rural areas including installation of under ground cables, installation of generator sets, transformers and such other electrical works. 35% of the gross receipts.
3 In respect of construction of new buildings and erection of civil structures (temporary or permanent) 33% of the gross receipts.
4 In respect of renovation and maintenance of buildings 40% of the gross receipts.
5 In respect of painting works (internal and external) 50% of the gross receipts
6 In respect of water supply and sanitation works, including providing and laying of conveying main or distribution of water supply lines and sanitation lines, construction of ground level reservoirs/overhead reservoirs, pumping stations, control valves and chambers, main hole chambers, improvement in water supply systems and sewage system, etc. 30% of the gross receipts
7 In respect of construction of bridges 35%of the gross receipts
8 In respect of irrigation and water resources projects, including construction of tube wells, ground water resources, projects, construction of dams, bandara, sluice gate, canals, development of spring, lakes, wells and agricultural bunds, etc. 35% of the gross receipts
9 In respect of jobworks of processing or altering or adapting, where the goods consumed in such process cannot be separately measured. 70% of the gross receipts
10 Annualmaintenancecontract(AMC) 80% of the gross receipts
11 Any other works 30% of the gross receipts